Portable Alignment Lasers (Line and Cross Pattern, Battery Powered)

Portable Alignment Lasers (Line and Cross Pattern, Battery Powered)

Portable and hand-held red lasers for professional users and technical applications. These lasers are generally too high powered to be suitable for use as pointers. Shipping restrictions on lithium batteries mean that lasers including a battery cannot be sent by Airmail or DHL.

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Portable Red Laser Line Projector (650nm 30mW) SET

Product no.: OFL49-30-SET

UK shipping only


£34.99 *
In stock
Delivery weight: 0.3 kg

Portable Red Laser Line and Cross Projector (650nm 100mW) SET

Product no.: OFL49-100-R

Convenient battery powered torch style laser for projecting a line or cross onto a surface. Fits our 22mm bracket holder.


£44.99 *
In stock
Delivery weight: 0.25 kg

Portable Green Laser Line Projector (520nm 30mW)

Product no.: OFL49-30GL-CR123

Convenient battery powered torch style laser for projecting a line onto a surface. Fits our 22mm bracket holder.


£36.00 *
Delivery weight: 0.25 kg

Portable Green Laser Line and Cross Projector (515nm 10mW) SET

Product no.: OFL49-10-G

Convenient battery powered torch style laser for projecting a line or cross onto a surface. Green lasers appear up to 5 times as bright as the corresponding red power laser.


£49.99 *
In stock
Delivery weight: 0.25 kg

Portable Green Laser Line and Cross Projector (515nm 30mW) SET

Product no.: OFL49-30-G

Convenient battery powered torch style laser for projecting a line or cross onto a surface. Green lasers appear up to 5 times as bright as the corresponding red power laser.


£64.99 *
In stock
Delivery weight: 0.25 kg
Prices, plus delivery