RGB (white) Tri-laser Modules[1]

RGB (white) Tri-laser Modules[1]
These units contain a red, green and blue laser which are combined to give a white light output.

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OEM 500mW RGB Laser Chassis, TTL Modulation 12V W500

Product no.: OFL352-500

£69.00 *
Old price £79.99
In stock
Delivery weight: 0.3 kg

OEM 1000mW RGB Laser Chassis, TTL Modulation 12V W1000

Product no.: OFL352-RGB1000

£89.00 *
Old price £129.99
In stock
Delivery weight: 0.3 kg

OEM 400mW RGB Laser Chassis, TTL Modulation 12V W400

Product no.: OFL352-RGB400

£59.00 *
Old price £79.99
In stock
Delivery weight: 0.35 kg

OEM 1000mW RGB Laser Chassis, TTL Modulation 12V A1-W1000

Product no.: OFL352-AW1000

£79.99 *
In stock
Delivery weight: 0.3 kg
Prices, plus delivery